Horticulture – Master Gardeners / LEAF-PRO

Here is a video of the AgriLife, Learn Grow Eat & Go program conducted with the help of our Master Gardeners and New Waverly ISD.

  • Do you have an interest in gardening and sharing your knowledge?

Master Gardeners are members of the local community who take an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and to help others, and able to communicate with diverse groups of people.

What really sets Master Gardeners apart from other home gardeners is their special training in horticulture. In exchange for their training, persons who become Master Gardeners contribute time as volunteers, working through their cooperative Extension office to provide horticultural information and education back to their communities. If you are interested in becoming an Extension Master Gardener, contact your AgriLife Extension office.

  • In Walker County, our training classes begin each year in January.  Although we start training early in the year, the class is usually full long before fall arrives.  Contact us early if you would like to join this group of energetic community volunteers!
  • Information on how you can be a part of the Walker County Master Gardeners can be obtained from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Walker County office at (936) 435-2426.

The Walker County Master Gardeners maintain a Facebook page with additional information regarding their educational activities and educational events.

JMG Boot Camp 2018:  JMG Boot Camp Flyer

We are proud to have a locally branded educational program known as LEAF-PRO ( Landscape Environmental Awareness Facility – Protection Reduction Outreach ).bee on flower

The LEAF-PRO project is an educational outreach effort designed to demonstrate and promote educated, ecologically responsible decision-making through home landscape practices.

Additional information on the LEAF-PRO gardening recommendations is available from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Walker County (936) 435-2426.

If you enjoy the LEAF-PRO Audio Tips (below), you will want to review the LEAF-PRO Publications posted on our Walker County, AgriLife Horticulture page.

LEAF-PRO Audio Tips:

Reading Labels for Recycling (LEAF-PRO)

Sort Waste for Recycling (LEAF-PRO)

Recycle (LEAF-PRO)

Rinse & Recycle (LEAF-PRO)

Recycle by the Numbers (LEAF-PRO)

Recycle Milk Cartons for Planting (LEAF-PRO)

Pesticide Use & Disposal (LEAF-PRO)

Leaves & Clippings (LEAF-PRO)

Water Conservation Lawns & Gardens (LEAF-PRO)

Planting Trees (LEAF-PRO)

Bees Need Your Help (LEAF-PRO)

Leaf Composting (LEAF-PRO)



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