Walk Across Texas


Walk Across Texas is a free program to help people start moving more and establish physical activity as a lifetime habit. Doing Walk Across Texas with people you know is a great way to help you keep going when you feel like quitting. The goal is walk the mileage across our beautiful state from El Paso to Longview, 830 miles, in eight weeks. To achieve that mileage everyone on a team must walk only about 13 miles each week. Which may be a challenge to some, but not impossible. You can do it!

Walk Across Texas is not a walk-a-thon or an event to raise money. While teams do compete to walk across the state first and/or to accumulate the most miles during the eight weeks, the main point is to get moving and keep moving after Walk Across Texas ends.

After Walk Across Texas ends, you can continue walking by yourself to see how long it takes you to walk across the entire state of Texas.

If you would like to participate in Walk Across Texas, here is what you need to do:

  1. Get a group of friend or family together that also would like to participate. You can do it by yourself, or have an 8 person group!
  2. Fill out the form below!
  3. Join us on January 16th, 2016 for the Walker County Walk Across Texas Kick off event at the  Eastham-Thomason Park in Huntsville.

If you have any questions contact Lana Franceschini at [email protected] or visit the Walk Across Texas website http://walkacrosstexas.tamu.edu/


Follow these steps to be able to track mileage, weight loss, and to compete with other teams!

1. Go to this link: http://walkacrosstexas.tamu.edu
2. Click “Register Now” and fill out information. Despite what county you live or work in, put Walker County.
3. Check your email for the Confirmation Email.
4. You may Register as a “Team Captain” or “By Myself” whichever suits your situation.
5. Enter the Start Date of “1/16/2016”
6. We are not participating in the TAMU System Employee Wellness Program.

If you have any questions filling this out contact Lana Franceschini.

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